What is PWA? - Installable web application

A progressive web app (PWA) is a website that looks and behaves like a mobile app. PWAs are built to take advantage of native mobile device features.

What is PWA? - Installable web application

A progressive web app (PWA) is a website that looks and behaves like a mobile app. PWAs are built to take advantage of native mobile device features, without requiring the end-user to visit an app store and download the app.

Benefits of PWA

  • The user doesn’t need to update the application. Because PWA is basically a website. All updates are made directly to the server and the user always receives the latest version when the application is launched. Therefore, approval by Google or Apple for new releases is not required.
  • Development is inexpensive and fast Traditional mobile apps need to be developed for each platform separately. This significantly increases development costs and makes further development more difficult.
  • Mobile application features for web app. For example, push notifications, offline mode, and installation on the home screen were for a long time the only exclusivity of a traditional mobile app. PWA enables adding these features to the web application. The so-called native features of PWA applications will certainly increase in the future.

PWA in app stores

The PWA app can be published in traditional app stores like Google Play and Appstore. People are used to installing apps from app stores. A new way of installing an application may be bypassed from afar. If the target group of the service is young people, it is especially important that the service is also available from app stores.

The results are significant

Monet saattavat pitää PWA:ta tavallisena ohimenevänä teknologiatrendinä. Näin ei kuitenkaan ole. Osa yrityksistä on ottanut sen tosissaan ja tulokset näkyvät.

  • Twitter tweats increased 75% and user bounce rates decrased by 20%.
  • AliExpress's latest user conversion rate increased by 104%.
  • Pinterest doubled the number of active users.
  • Facebook, Instagram, and Uber are using PWA.

Traditional mobile applications are unlikely to disappear in the near future. What is certain, is that PWA is the future of almost every online service and is worth investing in. PWA is a great concept and we at Codetum are crazy about it.